Who's Who in Handbells
An informational list
(TS) TEMPO SETTERS is the title given to a series of videos made to
preserve AGEHR and
handbell history in the U.S. These videos feature interviews
and narratives of past presidents,
Honorary Life members, and others who have had an impact on handbells.
"*" indicates peson is deceased.
Use the Alpha button below to take you to the person you wish to find.
Community Groups are listed in ALL CAPS.
Colleges and Universities are listed in bold face type.
PACIFIC BELLS - Newport Beach, CA - Contact, Tracy DeWitt - bellgirl99@hotmail.comPACIFIC IMAGE RINGERS - Mt. Vernon, WA - Director, Dr. Armin Mohr - Contact, Natalie Hunskor - hunskor@cnw.com -
Pacific Union College -- Angwin, CA www.PUC.edu
Page, Anna Laura 921 N Grand Ave Sherman TX 75090, page@austinc.edu -- Director of Handbell Publications, Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., 16320 Roscoe Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91406, (818) 891-5999. Arranger, AGEHR Composer
Palm Beach Atlantic University -- West Palm Beach, FL -- http://www.pbac.edu/
Parrish, Mary Kay 4001 Pine Ridge Rd Shawnee OK 74801, Mary_Kay_Parrish@mail.okbu.edu -- Director of Handbells at Oklahoma Baptist University, arranger, conductor, AGEHR Composer
Parry, Scott (TS) 96 Bear Brook Road Princeton NJ 08540- (609) 452-8598 TrngHouse@aol.com 1960-61 OVERTONES Editor, Change Ringing, Racks, Author
Parsons, Tom E. - 5825 El Dorado Ave #B, El Cerrito, CA 94530 -- tparsons@sonos.org - Tom grew up in Tucson, Arizona and was first introduced to music through a handbell group at St. Philip's Episcopal Church just after graduating from high school. Music quickly captivated his full attention, motivating him to complete both a bachelor's degree and master's degree at Northern Arizona University. After six years of study in music
history, choral conducting, and handbells under Douglas J. Benton, Tom moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to join Handbell Ensemble Sonos. Until Sonos can support their musicians full-time, Tom enjoys a day job in the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center at the University of California.Payn, William -- RR#2, Box 246, Middleburg, PA, HOME: 570/837-3869; OFFICE: 570/577-1391. payn@mail.bucknell.edu -- In constant demand as handbell clinician and festival conductor, the National Board of the AGEHR conferred on him (in 1995) the status of "Master Conductor" and "Master Instructor" of Conducting and Musicianship. 1977 National Treasurer, Conductor, Composer. Bill has achieved prominence as a conductor and composer. As Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, he has led his choirs to international recognition for their creative interpretation of significant vocal and handbell literature, presenting concerts world wide, at conventions of the American Choral Directors Association, and Bucknell's popular annual Candlelight Service of Carols has been taped and repeatedly televised nationally by PBS since 1988. In 1996, it was nominated for an Emmy award. With the recent completion of several commissioned works, Payn has nearly 30 published compositions. His works are performed virtually every week in the United States and abroad. Payn received his Bachelor of Music degree from Westminster Choir College and his Doctor of Musical Arts in organ and harpsichord literature from West Virginia University. He appears in "Contemporary American Composers" and "Who's Who in American Music: Classical." In May 1996, he was presented the Westminster Choir College Distinguished Alumni Merit Award.The AGEHR recently honored him as a Master Conductor and Master Clinician for his work particularly in the area of musicality in performance.
PENIEL HANDBELL CHOIR - Oradell, NJ - Director, Byung Lee -
Peery, Charles E -- Cincinnati OH 45236 AGEHR Composer
Petersen, Merle -- Houston TX 77036 AGEHR Composer
Pfitzinger, Scott -- Indianapolis, IN -- spfitzinger@gmail.com -- IM (AOL, Yahoo, MSN): basshandbells -- Scott is a member and charter board president of the Circle City Ringers, was a ringer in Joyful Sound, and was a ringer and composer-in-residence with Embellish from 1999-2005. He has directed or rung in various church handbell choirs off and on since 1992. At Pinnacle 2010 he performed in a Showcase Concert with the Circle City Ringers. At Pinnacle 2004 he was a member of the All-Stars and joined Embellish in performing a Showcase Concert there. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Music Theory/Composition and finished his Master's in Music Composition in 2010. Scott enjoys composing original music and arranging classical works for handbells. Some of the styles of handbell music include jazz, doo wop, blues, swing, new age, sacred, and contemporary. His handbell music has been very well received by ringers and audiences. Much of his music is self-published at Tinnio Ergo Sum Press (http://tespress.com). Scott prefers to write music that uses handbells in unique ways and is fond of experimenting. He also invites commissioned works.
PHILADELPHIA HANDBELL ENSEMBLE (PA) -- http://philadelphiahandbellensemble.org/
Kermit D. Junkert, Conductor - Michael Joy, Composer In Residence - mjoy@shipleyschool.org
Phillips, Judy -- Waterford, MI -- ljphillips1@comcast.net or jphillips@wcs.k12.mi.us -- Bachelor of Music in Public School Music, oboe, Western Michigan University. Master of Church Music, handbells, Concordia University Wisconsin. Elementary general music and band teacher for the Warren Consolidated Schools, Warren, MI. Involved with handbells since 1975. Performs with the Detroit Handbell Ensemble. Published composer and arranger.
Phoenix College -- Phoenix, AZ -- http://www.pc.maricopa.edu/
PIKES PEAK RINGERS - Colorado Springs, CO - Director, Kevin McChesney - http://www.pikespeakringers.org
Pinson, Joe P. O. Box 491 Denton TX 76202- (617) 382-4379 upbeat@gte.net -- 1991-95 Special Group liaison,
Pittsburg State University -- Pittsburg, KS -- http://www.pittstate.edu/
Plash, Duane. -- Mobile AL 36691 AGEHR Composer
Point Loma Nazarene University -- San Diego, CA -- http://www.ptloma.edu/
*Porter, Ellen Jane Lorenz -- (TS) Honorary Life, Composer, Arranger, Clinician
Porterville College -- Porterville, CA -- http://www.pc.cc.ca.us/
Powell, Nancy -- Clinician, Director
Presbyterian College -- Clinton, SC -- www.presby.edu/acad/dept/music/ringermain.html
Prime, Ralph R. -- San Leandro, CA, ralphprime@earthlink.net, http://home.earthlink.net/~ralphprime/. - Ralph was for 15 years a full-time Minister of Music in several churches, directing a multiple choir system in each. Subsequently he was a college professor music and choral director for 21 years. He also has 30 years experience in directing handbell choirs. He education includes two bachelors degrees (in music and sociology) and two masters degrees (in music and theology). His published works (see web site below) include choral music as well compositions for chorus with handbells. Since his retirement he has been composing and arranging music from his home studio.
PUERTO RICO HANDBELL CHOIR/CARO DE CAMPANAS DE PUERTORICO - Carolyn Collazo, MSC 831, Winston Churchill Ave. #138, San Juan, PR 00926-6023 - (787)644-8480 - campanasdepr@hotmail.com - http://corodecampanas.tripod.com
Purdue Bells at Purdue University -- Director, Michelle Beimfohr -- mbeimfoh@purdue.edu -- West Lafayette, IN -- www.pmojo.com/bells
PYRAMID RINGERS - Memphis, TN - Director, Sondra Tucker - sondra@midsouth.rr.com - http://home.midsouth.rr.com/tuckermusic/pyramid.html -
Pysh, Gregory -- Midland TX 79705-8642 AGEHR Composer
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