Who's Who in Handbells
An informational list
(TS) TEMPO SETTERS is the title given to a series of videos made to
preserve AGEHR and
handbell history in the U.S. These videos feature interviews
and narratives of past presidents,
Honorary Life members, and others who have had an impact on handbells.
"*" indicates peson is deceased.
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Community Groups are listed in ALL CAPS.
Colleges and Universities are listed in bold face type.
MacGorman, Venita 1911 Peter Pan St Norman OK 73072MADISON AREA CONCERT HANDBELLS - Madison, WI - Director, Susan Udell - Contact, Alice Teter - teter@chem.wisc.edu - http://www.madisonhandbells.org/
MAGIC OF BRONZE - Central Florida (near Orlando, FL) - Director, Blanche Marie Lewis - www.magicofbronze.com Founded in June 1996 by a group of enthusiastic ringers and directors, the Magic of Bronze is an auditioned handbell ensemble dedicated to promote the art of handbell ringing through providing challenging, interesting, and beautiful handbell music through our concerts and performance opportunities.
MAIN LINE RINGERS -- Bryn Mawr, PA -- Martha Alford, director -- www.mainlineringers.com -- On Facebook
Malta, Jacob (Jake) -- (TS) - Bell Crest Park, P. O. Box 1200, Plumsteadville, PA 18949, 1-800-HANDBEL (1-800-426-3235) -- malmarkbel@voicenet.com. www.malmark.com. (TS) Honorary Life 1994. Jacob Malta has devoted his career to the design and production of handbells. He was the handbell design engineer for Schulmerich Carillons from 1962-72 during which time the Schulmerich Handbell was designed. He founded Malmark, Inc. in 1974 where he has designed and produced handbells in bronze through a nine octave range. Jake also designed and produced the first acceptable aluminum bass bells for lower 5th, 6th, and 7th octaves. The hand chime, a tone chamber of square aluminum tubing, was also developed at Malmark. He says after 35 years of hands-on design and tuning of handbells, the old adage of "The more I learn, the less I know" accurately describes his knowledge of handbells. He lists his greatest gratification as "... participating and contributing towards achieving the goal of the AGEHR in 'Uniting people through a musical art.'"
Manchester College -- N. Manchester, IN -- http://www.manchester.edu/files/home2.htm
Markey, Willard -- (TS) - Bell Crest Park, P. O. Box 1200, Plumsteadville, PA 18949, 1-800-HANDBEL (1-800-426-3235) -- malmarkbel@voicenet.com. www.malmark.com. (TS) Honorary Life 1980. Willard H. Markey set as his goal in 1963 to help bring handbells into the mainstream of the music industry. He wanted to see handbells accepted and recognized as a legitimate member of the family of fine musical instruments throughout the world. He was the first person to exhibit a set of handbells at an MENC conference, hence beginning the process of bringing bells into music education. As a result, handbells have been displayed at every MENC National Biennial Conference since 1963 as well as there being many concerts and workshops offered to educators. For many year, Willard served as the "un-official" photographer at National handbell events. Many of the photographs through the years found in OVERTONES, the official organ of AGEHR, were taken as he attended Festivals and Seminars. Since leaving Schulmerich in the early 70s, Willard has been a vital member of the Malmark staff.
MARLIN HANDBELL RINGERS, THE - Leavenworth, WA - www.marlinhandbells.com
Marquart, Patty 1243 E. Taft Avenue Orange CA 92865- (614) 637-3651 1980 Public Relations
Marygrove College -- Detroit, MI --http://www.marygrove.edu/
Matheny, John 1606 Oak Arbor Lane Vairico FL 33594
Mathis, William H. -- 511 Groveland, Minneapolis MN 55403, 612-871-5303 WHMathis1@aol.com Bill is Director of Music and Fine Arts at the Hennepin Ave. United Methodist Church in Minneapolis, an active clinician in both the choral and handbell fields, teaching rehearsal technique and musicianship. In the choral realm, he has been guest conductor for national events for ACDA, Choristers Guild, the Presbyterian Conferences at MO-Ranch, Albuquerque, and Montreat, and the American Guild of Organists; he serves as Music in Worship Chair for ACDA of Minnesota. He has been the conductor of AGEHR's National Festivals and Directors' Seminar, as well as many events at the local and Area levels. He has served the Guild as Area V education coordinator, Area XII District Representative, Area IX Board member (several roles, including Chair-Elect), National Music Chair, and many committees and task forces. He now serves on the Endowment Committee. Music director of the Twin Cities Community Handbell Ensemble, Bells of the Lakes, a group noted for its dual focus of performance and education. He has led workshops and festivals in 35 states. His compositions are published by AGEHR, Augsburg-Fortress, Choristers Guild, Fred Bock Music, H. T. FitzSimons, Hope, and Sacred Music Press.
McBeth, Kevin 7498 Ahern Ct St Louis MO 63130-2218
McChesney, Kevin, Colorado Springs, CO -- bellcomposer@hotmail.com -- (719) 265-9691 -- 6980 Snowbird Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. Composer and Arranger of Handbell Music, AGEHR Composer. Clinician. Kevin McChesney graduated with highest honors from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a BMus in Composition and Theory. A composer and arranger of handbell music, Kevin currently has over 700 titles in print and is one of the very few musicians who makes handbells a full-time vocation. He has won numerous awards for his work, including winning American Guild of English Handbell Ringers Composition Contests and Jeffers Composer of the Year. Kevin is the handbell editor for Jeffers Handbell Supply and the RingingWord catalog. He is also co-founder of the Solo To Ensemble Project, STEP. And his work as music director of the Pikes Peak Ringers has helped bring them to national prominence. He is in demand throughout the handbell world as a workshop clinician and festival conductor. Kevin lives in Colorado Springs, CO, with his wife Tracy and their cats, Belle and Grace Note.
McCleary, Mary G. (TS) Honorary Life 1994. 170 Allerton Road Naugatuck CT 06770-1625 (203) 729-1689 -- Mary G. McCleary was the Chairman of Area I of the New England Guild of English Handbell Ringers when it merged with the the newly formed American Guild. This made her the first Chairman of Area I of the AGEHR, Inc. She served as the Chairman for four years and then became President of the National organization (1979-81). Mary has spent her professional life as a church musician, serving as a director and organist, as well as an accomplished solo ringer. Mary retired after many years as organist/choirmaster in Naugatuck, CT. She was introduced to handbells after her minister heard Richard Litterst's choir ring in 1958. The minister wanted bells, they were purchased, and Mary was hooked. Her many compositions, when there were few bell pieces available, are fresh and idiomatic -- and popular. I recall ringing one of her pieces from the last note to the first (backwards) and the teenagers recognized it before we had rung very far. Though concepts of composition have changed, some of these selections are worthy of consideration today. Mary is also an Arranger, Conductor, and Clinician of note.
McDonnell, Ruth -- 3615 Forest Dale Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63125 -- Ruth.McDonnell@att.net -- Former Area IV Representive to the National Board for AGEHR and AGEHR Area IV, Secretary. Currently Ruth serves the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod as the mission coordinator for Metro St. Louis. From 2005-2008, she served Salem Lutheran Church as their deaconess. Prior to that she was Director of Music Ministry at Ascension Lutheran Church in Casselberry, Florida where she directed a five-octave adult handbell choir, a three-octave children's handbell choir, parish choir, and children's choir. In 1996 Ruth chaired a committee to organize the Magic of Bronze, a Central Florida community handbell ensemble which she led as its music director until 2002. She currently rings with the Gateway Ringers (http://gatewayringers.org), an auditioned community handbell choir in St. Louis. Ruth has taught at workshops and conducted massed ringing at festivals and is an accomplished flutist and solo-ringer. Her educational background includes a master's degree in theology from Concordia Seminary - St. Louis and bachelor's degree in music education from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Ruth is a member of the AGEHR, Sigma Alpha Iota (a women's music fraternity), and the Concordia Deaconess Conference
McDonough, Pat, -- pmcd@tcinternet.net
McDonough, Tim -- tmm@sdd.hp.com -- The church I grew up at (Christ UMC in Rochester, MN) bought a set of Schulmerich bells in the early 60's (before I was born), and I grew up hearing bells at church. I first got to ring as a special after choir (vocal) activity for our children's choir, when I was in 3rd grade (1975). I joined my first handbell choir when I was in 5th grade, and I still remember the first piece I ever played in public! It was an arrangement of "Darwall's 148th". Except for a 9 month hiatus when I was a freshman in college, and a 14 month hiatus when I moved to California, I've been ringing ever since. I've rung at Christ UMC in Rochester, MN, Faith UMC in Fargo, ND, and most recently with St. Mark's UMC in San Diego, CA. I also participated with the RingOut! ensemble to present one of the mini concerts at the 1999 Directors Seminar in San Diego. I've been a member of handbell-l since Saturday March 25th, 1995. My formal education comprises of a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NDSU in 1989, and I've worked in San Diego for the Hewlett-Packard company since July 24th, 1989. The first AGEHR festival conference I attended was the Area VII conference in Fargo, ND in 1986. Lastly, I guess many folks know me as I've helped maintain the mystery bell ringer page over the past 4 years. "Statistician and search expert on Handbell-L, Ringer"
McFadden, Jane C -- Groveport OH 43125 AGEHR Composer -- mcbell@columbus.rr.com -- http://home.columbus.rr.com/handbells -- Jane McFadden has served as organist and handbell director at David's United Church of Christ in Canal Winchester, Ohio, since 1990. She also directs a women's handbell choir at Christ Lutheran Church in Columbus where, for sixteen years, she had a multiple choir program of youth and children's handbell and vocal choirs. Jane writes and arranges music and has over 50 titles in print with nine publishers; most are organ and handbell arrangements done in collaboration with Janet Linker. She won the 1999 Area II Original Handbell Composition Contest. Her composition, "Psalm 30," is published by The American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc. and was played at the 1999 Summer Area II Festival/Conference in Kutztown, PA. Jane has a degree in Music Education from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. Jane holds certification from the AGEHR as a Massed Choir Director and has served the Guild as the Ohio State Chairman.
McGahie, Paul Douglas -- Pensacola FL 32504 AGEHR Composer
McGowan, Monica -- 9399 Birch Lane, Lakeville, MN 55044 -- msmcgowan@integraonline.com -- Monica received her Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Chadron State College, Chadron, Nebraska. She began her work in handbells in January 1986 and soon realized she had found her musical niche. Monica has served AGEHR as Area VII Chair (1995-1998), numerous AGEHR committees and Department Chair. She successfully completed the first AGEHR Master Class and is certified as a Mass Handbell Conductor. She has served as Director of Handbells in Episcopal, Methodist and Lutheran Churches from Louisiana to Minnesota. Her last position was at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Apple Valley, Minnesota (1996 – 2002) where she established a graded handbell program of seven handbell choirs. Monica is Artistic Director of Twin Cities Bronze and provides the vision and direction for that premiere handbell ensemble of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. In July 2004, Monica was named Handbell Coordinator for the Week of Handbells at the International Music Camp Summer School of Fine Arts. Monica brings her background of education, teaching and extensive training in handbells and handchimes to the conducting podium or the workshop setting for local, regional, national and international conferences, clinics and handbell festivals as well as AGEHR, Inc. events and seminars.
McKechnie, D. Linda -- 11506 Gallant Ridge, Houston, TX 77082, 713-722-0808, FAX 713-722-7143 - DLMmusic@aol.com -- www.lindamckechnie.com -- Linda McKechnie, well known for her significant contribution to the art of handbell ringing, served the AGEHR from 1987-1989 and is in demand as a clinician and director for conferences and seminars. She is a gifted musician and arranger, using a refreshing style of grace and humor in encouraging every level of ability. As a prolific publisher and arranger of over 100 handbell and keyboard titles, she continues to be a recipient of the ASCAP special awards and receives numerous requests for commissioned works. A Steinway artist, Linda maintains a heavy schedule as a pianist and recording artist on the Brentwood label.
*McKeehan, W. D. (Mac) Honorary Life 1984 Known to all as "Mac," for more than 40 years he was the Director of Music at First United Methodist Church in Bartlesville, OK. It was there that he first became interested in handbells. His choirs participated in many AGEHR festivals, and Mac himself often participated as a solo ringer and clinician. He served the Guild in many capacities on both Area and National levels. He was Area IX Chairman in the late 1960's and early 1970's (before the Areas were realigned to twelve), and then he served as National Registrar from 1971-75. In 1975, Mac was elected National Treasurer, a position he held until 1983. During his tenure as Treasurer, he did much to help the Guild plan wisely for its future. At the National Board of Directors' meeting in 1983, the W. D. McKeehan Scholarship was established as tribute to all that Mac had done for AGEHR. In the years since its establishment, many individuals have received scholarships to attend either a National Festival or a National Directors' Seminar. Also, in recognition of his service to the Guild, he was made an Honorary Life Member in 1984. Mac and his wife, Betty, had three children, six grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Betty died on November 14, 1987, and two weeks later, following an extended illness, Mac died on November 28, 1987. Mac's enthusiasm and dedication will long be missed, and the work he did and the financial foundations he laid will benefit AGEHR for many years to come.
McKlveen, Paul -- 871 Mandalay Terrace -- De Pere, WI 54115 -- 920-339-8994 - pmcklveen@new.rr.com
http://www.paulmcklveen.com/. Paul began ringing handbells in 1974, and pursued his hobby as director, clinician, festival conductor and composer. Director of Handbell Ministries at White Plains United Methodist Church in Cary, NC for four and a half years. For six and a half years he served as the Assistant Director of the Raleigh Ringers , an auditioned community handbell group which he helped to form. He has also directed an adult handbell choir at First Baptist Church in Cary, NC and youth, adult and children handbell choirs at First Baptist Church in Matthews, NC. Paul enjoys composing and has won several composition contests. He presently has approximately seventy published compositions. For Area III of The American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc., he has served as the North Carolina State Chairman, Secretary, and Chairman and on the National Board of Directors. Paul is employed by Sprint PCS as a Data Analyst III for the Database Architecture group. He received a BS in Computer Science and a BS in Mathematics from North Carolina State University. His home is in Overland Park, KS, with his wife, Sue, his seven-year old son, David, his five-year old daughter, Sarah, and his four-year old daughter, Alyssa. AGEHR ComposerMEDALION RINGERS - Houston, TX - Director, Christine Anderson - vbronze@pacbell.net -
Melton, Lora -- Galax, VA , dlmelton@valink.com and handbells@valink.com -- Handbell Soloist http://www.valink.com/handbells/, http://www.valink.com/handbells/handbell_symbols.htm
-- Lora has been solo ringing for 11 years and is the Director of Bells on the Mountain Handbell Choir at Fancy Gap United Methodist Church. Lora's major interest is solo ringing, having performed across Southwest Virginia and in NC, SC, IA and PA. This past January she performed a Showcase Solo Concert for Kay Cook at the Hershey Explo and in June she performed for the UMC Holston Conference Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, NC. Lora is a frequent contributor to Handbell-L.Meredith, James (Jim) Director of Sonos, Composer, Arranger, Conductor,
Merrett, Fred -- Edmonton, AB CANADA T6L 6H6 -- Past President, Alberta Guild -- AGEHR Composer
MESA RINGERS - Mesa, AZ - Director, Glenna Kratzer -
Messiah College Concert Handbell Choir -- Grantham, PA --
METOPOLITAN BELLS - Chattanooga, TN - Director, Ken Cochrane - Contact, Theresa Coker - Metbells@aol.com -
MID-OHIO VALLEY RINGERS, THE -- Vienna, WV -- www.movringers.org -- Director, Dr. Douglas Anderson -- douganderson@mailworks.org
MIDDLE TENNESSEE CONCERT BELLS - Murfreesboro, TN - Director, Martha Touchton -
Miller, Anne -- annemiller_handbells@yahoo.com -- Anne is the current (summer 2007) Colorado AGEHR chair elect, past Missouri state AGEHR chair & secretary, member of 'Rocky Mountain Ringers', graduate of the AGEHR Master class in "Score Study-Preparation and Conducting," handbell choir director at Trinity Lutheran in Boulder CO, adjudicator, clinician, author, composer, soloist, and accompanist. She has rung for 30 years and has directed for 18, playing at hundreds of schools and churches. She works for the University of Colorado, enjoys jazz, live theater and outdoor activities.
Miller, Joyce -- jmiller@tconl.com -- Joyce directs the River City Ringers (formerly the Fremont Community Handbell Ensemble) which began in August of 1998, and directs the Ambassador Community Choir. She is the handbell director at St. Andrews United Methodist in Omaha; the NE State Chair and has five handbell choirs at St. Wenceslaus as well as a Chime Choir.
Mitchel, Kirtsy -- Houston TX , 77024-4135 -- rwmkkm@earthlink.net -- Kirtsy earned a BA degree with a major in piano from the Oklahoma College for Women and a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Oklahoma. She has taught elementary music, third and fourth grades, remedial reading, elementary Sunday school, lab schools for adults focusing on elementary church school education. She has worked with the children's music program at Chapelwood United Methodist Church in Houston for over thirty years as a director of children's vocal music, chimes and bells. For eight years she was the assistant accompanist and organist for this church. She recently retired from teaching piano in her home and is devoting her time to coordinating the seven ringing choirs at her church, four of which she directs. She is the writer/composer of the workbook, Let's Ring Chimes and Bells, which evolved from the necessity for suitable materials for teaching her first ringing choirs. She is the composer of the Busy Ringer's Series, published by AGEHR. This is a series of graded two-octave pieces which keep all the ringers busy ringing. The titles are secular, but can be changed for church performances. She also has a number of published Level I and Level II pieces. Her Busy Ringer Book, Quick Foundations, is a recent addition to the AGEHR resource library. It is for beginning older ringers and reproduction rights are given. Her primary role, however, has been that of wife, mother and housekeeper. Kirtsy is married to retired EXXON engineer, Roscoe. They have three children and two grandchildren. Water aerobics help with arthritis problems and mystery books relax the mind.
MOBILE-MUSICALE -- "SWISSBELLS - Swiss Handbell Ensemble - Oberdorf SO, Switzerland -
Director, Eric Nuenlist - swissbells@gmx.ch - www.swissbells.org - +4132 621 21 - Swissbells is one of the very few existing handbell ensembles in Switzerland"
Moklebust, Cathy - 3033 Hwy.17, Eagle Grove, IA 50533 -: cmokle@yahoo.com -- www.cathymoklebust.net -- Composer and Arranger of Handbell Music, Festival Conductor, Handbell Clinician. Cathy has developed and directed handbell music programs since 1983, and has played bells since childhood. With her dynamic, positive approach and skilled, expressive conducting, she is in great demand as a handbell clinician and festival conductor. As one of today’s most popular handbell music composers, she has numerous published compositions and arrangements to her credit, many of them reaching bestseller status. She has been commissioned to write music for many festivals and other events, as well as for numerous individual handbell ensembles, including several for the Raleigh Ringers. Cathy has been the recipient of the Donald E. Allured Composition Award, the 2005 “Composer of the Year” award from Jeffers Handbell Supply, and has won an ASCAP Writer’s Award every year since 2001. In 2007 she was a guest conductor for the National Residential Ringing Week at Kingston University, Kingston-upon-Thames, UK. Ms. Moklebust began her musical career as a public school instrumental music instructor in South Dakota. She is an active percussionist, and has performed as principal or section percussionist with several professional bands and orchestras throughout the upper Midwest. Cathy has played in and conducted several church and community handbell ensembles in South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa. She currently operates a music editing and engraving service with her husband. Cathy earned both her B.A. (Music/Percussion, 1982) and M.Ed. (Teacher Education/Music, 1988) at South Dakota State University, in her hometown of Brookings, SD. Her handbell education began in middle school with the Towers Handbell Choir at First Lutheran Church, Brookings, under the direction of Mrs. Barbara Berntson. Ms. Moklebust and her family reside in rural Eagle Grove, Iowa, on her husband’s 113 year old family farm.
Moore, Daniel K. (Dan) -- 14 Josephone Ave, Rumford, RI 02916-3011 -- (401) 438-4299, ride90618@ride.ri.net -- Mr. Moore has been directing school and church handbell choirs for over 20 years. His auditioned Concert Handbell Ringers of the Wheeler School (Providence, RI) have presented concerts throughout the US and eastern Canada, recorded with the Empire Brass Quartet, and performed opening concerts at Area and National Festivals. Mr. Moore is accredited by AGEHR as a Massed Ringing conductor and has authored many articles for Overtones on handbell techniques, rehearsal strategies, and ringer health issues. AGEHR has recently published Mr. Moore's textbook/resource for ringers and directors, Ringing RIGHT! From the Beginning. Mr. Moore is a past chairman of Area I, and has served/serves on the the Guild's Membership, Handbells in Music Education, and Accreditation committees.
Morley, Martin -- Martin Morley, 1812 Nest Place, Plano, TX 75093; 972-985-3955; martbar@mindspring.com -- Martin has enjoyed a multifaceted musical career as a pianist, music therapist, clinician/conductor, church musician, teacher, and keyboard comedian. He began ringing handbells in 1980 and began directing/composing one year later. Martin is a charter member of the Dallas Handbell Ensemble and rang with the group for ten years. A published author whose articles have appeared in Creator Magazine and The Chorister, Martin has conducted over twenty festivals but is more widely known as a clinician/teacher at all levels from local to national; his classes range from "regular" topics to the outrageous "Wheel of Jeopardy Feud" (which he originated) and "Don’t Shoot the Ringer" (using behavior modification techniques in rehearsal). Martin has served the Guild as Area IX Secretary/Treasurer, Texas State Representative, and Area IX Chair. His current work includes being Director of Worship, Music and the Arts at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Plano, Texas, representing Malmark Bellcraftsmen in North Texas and working freelance as a pianist in the Dallas area.
Morris, Hart -- 10021 S 72E Ave, Tulsa OK 74133 -- hmorris6@windstream.net -- Hart has been Minister of Music at Asbury United Methodist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, since August 1992, and has served in the same capacity for churches in Florida, Texas and Tennessee. He is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Oklahoma (B.M., Church Music/Voice), and the University of Houston, Houston, Texas (M. M., Choral Conducting), with additional studies in percussion at Oklahoma City University and the University of Houston. He is co-founder, along with Arnold Sherman, of Red River Music, Inc., Tyler, Texas. Hart and his wife, Marty, Area IX Chairman, Composer, Arranger, Conductor, Clinician
Morris, Jo Ellen -- Venice FL 34193 AGEHR Composer
Morris, Marty -- 10021 S 72E Ave Tulsa OK 74133 martym@asburytulsa.org -- Marty is a noted clinician for handbells, specifically Young Ringers, and for both children's choirs and handbell choirs.. She is married to Hart Morris, and they are the parents of two grown children, and the proud grandparents of two granddaughters.
Morrow, Morna-June C. m-jmorrow@shaw.ca ARCT & AMM (Piano Performance), B. Mus., B. Ed., M. Ed. (University of Manitoba) -- Retired public school music educator/supervisor. Involved with handbells since 1969, she currently directs the University Women's Club Handbell Choir, the Westworth United Church Chapel Bells, and the Manitoba Guild Handbell Ringers. Past President of the Manitoba Guild of English Handbell Ringers, past National Chair of the Handbell Guilds of Canada. She was the Canadian director at the 9th International Handbell Symposium in Birmingham, England. She has been a massed ringing director at National Ringing Link Conferences in Winnipeg (2002) and Penticton, BC (2005). Active as a workshop clinician and festival adjudicator across western Canada and Minnesota.
Mount Holyoke College -- S. Hadley, MA -- http://www.mtholyoke.edu/
Muschick, John H -- Pensacola FL 32507 AGEHR Composer
MUSIC CITY BRONZE -- Nashville TN -- John Pfeiffer conductor/artistic director/co-founder; Susan Nance chair/co-founder -- www.musiccitybronze.org -- Contact: john@muiccitybronze.org
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