Who's Who in Handbells
An informational list
TEMPO SETTERS is the title given to a series of videos made to preserve
AGEHR and handbell history in the U.S. These videos feature interviews
narratives of past presidents, Honorary Life members, and others who
had an impact on handbells.
"*" indicates person is deceased.
Use the Alpha button below to take you to the person you wish to find.
Community Groups are listed in ALL CAPS.
Colleges and Universities are listed in bold face type.
![]() Dallas Baptist University -- Dallas, TX -- http://www.dbu.edu/catalog/cofa.htm
Daun, Glenn Shields -- 2661 Tallant Road Santa Barbara CA 93105- OVERTONES Editor *Davidson, David R. - David was active in handbell ringing and the AGEHR for more than 20 years. He served as Chairman of Area V and, as such, was a member of the first Congress (later to become the National Board of Directors) of the Guild. He served one term as the National Secretary, and later the six year term of President-Elect, President (1981-83), and Past President. During these years, his special contributions included organizing the second seminar, the form of which developed into the present long-standing format; being instrumental in developing the first International Symposium; helping form the Handbell Industry Council (HIC); and having the vision to plan and open the first National Office of AGEHR. David is well known for his excellence as a massed ringing conductor and workshop leader. He formed and directed the Dallas Handbell Ensemble, served as Director of Music at Highland Park Presbyterian Church, and was the Director of the Dallas Symphony Chorus.. He was awarded the Honorary Life Membership for outstanding service in 1996. Deichmann, Bern, C.E.O. bernd@schulmerichbells.com -- C.E.O. Schulmerich Bells DeCOLORES - Spokane, WA - Director, Blanche Kangas - - bellbuggyx@aol.com - DE KLOKKENLUIDERS - Pella, IA - Director, Kris Harms - harmsk@central.edu - DESERT BELLS, INT. - Scottsdale, AZ - Director, Kay Cook - kaycook@earthlink.net - www.desertbells.org - 494-RING(7464) DETROIT HANDBELL ENSEMBLE - Dearborn, MI - interim director Michael Burkhardt -- www.detroithandbellensemble.org -- info@detroithandbellensemble.org DING DONG DOLLIES - St. Louis Park, MI - Director: Sandy Stoneking - SBStoneking@aol.com - Dobrinski, Cynthia (Mrs. Rocky Granger), Martinsville, VA -- AGEHR Composer, Organist, Conductor The Dorothy Shaw Bell Choir -- 500 W. 7th St. Suite 1007 / Fort Worth, TX 76102 / (817) 924-3640 -- Managing Director R. Kent Schmedel -- Associate Director J. Scott Meneely -- Producing Director Jack Noble White -- www.dorothyshawbellchoir.org -- The Dorothy Shaw Bell Choir is the internationally acclaimed community handbell choir from Fort Worth, Texas. Founded in 1964 to be a part of the annual Christmas play-pageant The Littlest Wiseman, the choir has evolved into a world-renowned musical organization. The Dorothy Shaw Bell Choir is truly unique in that the ringers do not use tables or gloves, and they perform from memory without a Conductor! Because the choir is unencumbered, they are able to adapt to any setting. The choir’s members come from throughout the Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex and are all students from middle school through college age. The Dorothy Shaw Bell Choir performs a wide-ranging repertoire from classical to contemporary. Performances have been in such varied settings as Carnegie Hall with Skitch Henderson and The New York Pops, The Vatican for Pope John Paul II, Carols by Candlelight in Adelaide, South Australia for 30,000 people, retirement centers and churches throughout the world. Downey, Erin - 2901 Central Ave. , Alameda, CA 94501 - Solo Ringer, School Musician Downey, Gail -- 715 Parkside Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM -- 510.523.6186, tldowney@aol.com -- School Musician, Director, Ensembles, Solo Ringing, Area XI Chairman, Clinician Drake. Dayna -- dld@snet.com . CHIME Chairman Duggan, Douglas -- douglas.duggan@verizon.net
--Douglas is a bass bell specialist having rung bass bells for 15 years.
Studied under Hart Morris, Arnold Sherman, Dr. William Payne and Christine
Anderson. Available to teach classes on low end ringing. Has own recording
equipment and will travel to get your group recorded and your CD
on the market.
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