Who's Who in Handbells
An informational list
(TS) TEMPO SETTERS is the title given to a series of videos made to
preserve AGEHR and
handbell history in the U.S. These videos feature interviews
and narratives of past presidents,
Honorary Life members, and others who have had an impact on handbells.
"*" indicates peson is deceased.
Use the Alpha button below to take you to the person you wish to find.
Community Groups are listed in ALL CAPS.
Colleges and Universities are listed in bold face type.
Callahan, Frances -- Little Rock AR 72212 AGEHR Composer -- Retired Assistant to Felix and Martha Lynn Thompson at St. James U.M.C., Little Rock, Arkansas. Arranger and composer.
Calvin College -- Grand Rapids, MI -- www.calvin.edu
CAMPANILE -- Los Angeles, CA -- Ensemble -- Contact, Rima Greer -- rima@anet.net - www.campanilemusic.com -- 1-877-DEADRINGER -- Campanile is Musical Percussion Theatre, performing music, dance, and spoken word for 20 years in theatres throughout North America and Asia. A cast of 9-12 performers weave a web of myth while performing on acoustic and electric bells, percussion, strings, and winds. Campanile's "Nocturnal Journeys" recording was the first handbell CD to debut in the top 10 of an international radio airplay chart. Campanile retired in January of 2006, and its members are now dedicating themselves to writing, teaching and other musical pursuits. Campanile Founders: KatRyn Howell, Roger Bowerman, Kris Kennedy Wildman, Ron Dotson, Rima Greer. Other Campanile members over the years: Karen McWilliams, Johanna McWhirter, Ruben Mendoza, Terry Halvorson, Kristin Paul, Barbara Silvey Farnsworth, SungHee Kim, Bruce Wilson. Campanile First Team for the final show, Rites of Sound: Roger Bowerman, Kris Wildman, Terry Halvorson, Rima Greer.
CAMPANILLAS DEL SOL HANDBELL ENSEMBLE -- Scottsdale, Arizona -- Roy Blomquist, director -- rjblomq@qwest.net -- 480-998-5568 -- www.campanillasdelsol.org -- Organized in 2000 as a non-profit educational community handbell ensemble. Mission is to give experienced ringers an opportunity to perform medium to difficult repertoire from a wide range of styles - classical, popular, sacred, etc. - for a wide variety of audiences, large and small. Membership is by audition. Members re-audition annually, usually in August or early September. In addition to domestic events, Campanillas participated in the 2006 International Symposium in Australia and has a European Tour scheduled in 2008. The ensemble provides mentoring for handbell choirs requesting assistance and provides clinicians for local, state, and national handbell events.
CANTICLE -- Pensacola, Florida -- Director: Monika Durbin and Patrick Barber -- canticlemusic@gmail.com -- www.canticlemusic.org -- Canticle is a group of volunteers that offer hope, comfort, and repose to their community through music. They use a variety of instruments - handbells, harps, woodwinds, voice, and piano - to give free concerts at nursing and retirement homes, and provide live music at hospice centers. The group was launched by Gonzalez United Methodist Church in 2004. After much growth in membership and new projects, Canticle became its own 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in April 2006.
CAPITAL CARILLON - Silver Spring, MD - Director, Ann Y. Schmidt - Contact, Ann Y Schmidt - 74644.354@compuserve.com -
CAPITOL CITY RINGERS - Lansing, MI - Director, Jane C. Wright - Contact, Kim Finison - info@capitalcityringers.com - www.capitalcityringers.com -
Cappell, Nancy -- Clinician, Director -- St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, Annandale, VA 22003. -- 703-978-3500 x32 -- ncappel@stmatthewsumc.org. -- Served 35 years as Director of Music at St. Matthew's, 32 years with handbells. We have 10 handbell choirs - 3 children's, 4 youth, & 3 adult choirs. I oversee all of them and direct 7 of them. Our youth handbell choirs tour for 10 days each summer and attend a 3 day festival. Our adult choirs attend a weekend festival each year. We play at the Kennedy Center each year. We have made 5 recordings, 3 CD's are available now. I have directed festivals and workshop nationally and locally and have written a book of charts and directions for beginning handbell choirs.
CARO DE CAMPANAS DE PUERTORICO/Puerto Rico Handbell Choir - Carolyn Collazo, Director -
MSC 831, Winston Churchill Ave. #138, San Juan, PR 00926-6023 - (787)644-8480 - campanasdepr@hotmail.com - http://corodecampanas.tripod.comCarscadden-Mifsud , Susan -- 185-B John Street, Ingersoll, Ontario CANADA N5C 3G1 -- Toll-free: 1-800-704-4997 www.handbellgraces.com-- susan@handbellgraces.com -- Owner of Handbell Graces and Regional Independent Sales Representative for Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. Susan has a formal music education including an ARCT (Piano Performance), Bachelor of Music (University of Western Ontario) and Bachelor of Education (Queen?s University). She has worked as an elementary school teacher, a private piano instructor and as a music school administrator. Susan was first introduced to handbells in 1975 and has played in several handbell choirs including Bronze Foundation, an auditioned ensemble in Toronto. Her newly formed community handbell choir, Bells Ablaze, includes advanced ringers from across Southwestern Ontario. She is founder/director of Bellissima Ringers, a handbell quartet. As a handbell soloist, Susan has given numerous solo recitals throughout Ontario and has performed at events in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec. She is also very active as a workshop clinician.
CAST OF BRONZE - Dallas, Texas - Founder/Director, Christopher T. Nabors castofbronze.com
CTNabors@castofbronzeCastle, Lois Jean -- wcastle@pclv.com -- Has been ringing handbells for more than twenty five years and directing since 1985. Started handbell programs at St. John's Presbyterian Church in West Los Angeles, California and Green Valley Presbyterian Church in Henderson, Nevada where she has six handbell choirs. In February, became the Handbell Director at Community Lutheran Church in Las Vegas, NV. where she has three active choirs, ensembles and will add a children's handchime choir and a new beginner's choir this Fall.
CELEBRATION RINGERS - San Jose, CA - Director, Darlene Woodburn -
CENTRAL FLORIDA RINGERS - Clermont, FL - Director, David A. Bushnell - FLRingers@yahoo.com
CEREAL CITY RINGERS - Augusta, MI - Director, Virginia Hylton -
CHAMBERSBURG COM. HANDBELLS - Chambersburg, PA - Director, Ann Bowers - barnesa@aol.com -
Chandler, Marilyn - Sun City, AZ -- GandA4mc@aol.com -- Director of the Handbells of Sun City
Cheek, Sharon -- Burlingame, CA, 94010 -- AGEHR Composer
CHESAPEAKE BRONZE - Friendship, MD - Director, Lynn Bogovich - lbogovich@comcast.net --Contact, Joyce Terry - jetsam@erols.com - www.chesapeakebronze.peachhost.com/default.htm -
301-855-4072/2461CHICAGO BRONZE - Chicago, IL Philip L. Roberts, Director 877-7WE-RING
(877-793-7464) - info@chicagobronze.com -- http://www.chicagobronze.com
Childers, Brian -- Mount Holly, North Carolina -- coplandsp@carolina.rr.com -- Brian Childers is an accomplished pianist, composer and clinician. His choral, instrumental, and handbell works have been performed frequently in churches across the nation and abroad. He has been a featured performer and clinician at numerous music conferences and workshops across the state of North Carolina. Brian received his bachelor of music degree in piano performance from Appalachian State University in 1993, and the master of divinity degree in church music from the M. Christopher White School of Divinity at Gardner-Webb University in May of 2003. An ordained minister, he serves as minister of music at First Baptist Church in Mount Holly, North Carolina. Brian directs 5 vocal choirs, 5 handbell choirs, and the church orchestra. Among Brian’s favorite groups is Drastic Measures, an advanced children’s handbell group that rehearses three times each week. This group of 8 children perform regularly thoughout the community and across the state. Brian’s compositions and arrangments are published by Abingdon Press, AGEHR, Alfred, Emerson, GIA, High Meadow Music, Hope, Jeffers, Ringing Word, National Music Publishers, STEP, Treble Clef Music Press, Wiltshire Music. Brian is married to Jennifer and has two children Hannah and Spencer. Brian is an avid runner and enjoys running and composing in his free time.
CIRCLE CITY RINGERS - Indianapolis, IN - Director, Mike Keller - e-mail: info@circlecityringers.org -- www.circlecityringers.org
Citrus College -- Glendora, CA
CLASSICAL BELLS - Livonia, MI - Director, Darlene Ebersole - Contact, Millie Everson - info@classicalbells.com - www.classicalbells.com -
Clay, Edna Resource Chm., Clinician Edna Clay 2906 Garth Road Huntsville AL 35801- (205) 881-0884 eclayagehr@aol.com 1995-97 Resource Chairman, 1999 Directors' Training Chairman
Cochran, Kenneth -- Chattanooga, TN -- Early leader of Handbells. Director of Community Handbell group in Chattanooga. Former Minister of Music, First Baptist Church, Augusta, GA, where he led one of the first Handbell Choirs in the Southeast of the U.S. Joined AGEHR in 1956. Served as Minister of Music at Churches in Chattanooga and was on the faculty of McCallie School, one of the nation's premier college prep schools.
College of the Ozarks -- Lookout, MO -- http://www.cofo.edu/
Collins, Sara -- 1021 Northwood Blvd Fort Wayne IN 46805- (219) 484-6165 1991-1994 Denominational Chairman
COLONIAL ENGLISH HANDBELL RINGERS -- Bowie, MD - Director, Mary Parker --
COLUMBIA HANDBELL ENSEMBLE - Columbia, MO - Director, Ed Rollins, rollins@fbc-columbia.org - www.chebells.org
COMMUNITY BELL CHOIR, THE - Flint, MI - Director, Mary Ann Korte - Joynce Nutzmann - jisnutz@aol.com -
COMMUNITY HANDBELL CHOIR - Ozona, TX - Director, Maridel Dudley
COMMUNITY HB OF SO. NEVADA - Las Vegas, NV - Director, Janet Ty - clsneed@ix.netcom.com -
CONCERT BELLS OF FORT WORTH - Fort Worth, TX - Contact, Karen Thompson - karencbfw@sbcglobal.net - www.concertbells.com
CONCERT BELLS OF WEST BROKFIELD - West Brokfield, MA - Director, Cynthia Baird -
Sacramento, CA – Paul W. Allen, Director - pallen@edcenter.egusd.k12.ca.usConcordia College -- Moorhead, MN -- www.cord.edu
Concordia University, Chicago -- River Forest, IL -- http://www.cuchicago.edu/
Concordia University, Irvine -- Irvine, CA -- www.cui.edu
Concordia University, Mequon -- Mequon, WI -- http://www.cuw.edu/home.htm\
Concordia University, Portland -- Portland, OR -- www.cu-portland.edu
Concordia University, St. Paul -- St. Paul, MN -- http://www.csp.edu/
Conde, Karen - kconde@yumaed.org - Director of the Cindy Klein Memorial Handbell Choir. The choir has been in existence for 27 years. The choir was the very first Handbell Choir in Yuma, Arizona. It is still the only choir that performs all over the city and county. The second weekend in December for the last 26 years the choir has put on a Christmas Concert for the community. Currently the choir consists of 5 octaves and 15 members. The choir performs monthly at their home church, Trinity United Methodist Church, 3030 8th Ave., Yuma, Arizona.
CONMOTO -- "SWISSBELLS - Swiss Handbell Ensemble - Etziken SO, Switzerland - Director, Eric Nuenlist - swissbells@gmx.ch - www.swissbells.org - www.conmoto.ch - +41 32 614 03 03 - Swissbells is one of the very few existing handbell ensembles in Switzerland"
Cook, Elizabeth -- Chairman: Alberta (Canada) Guild of English Handbell Ringers -- 78 Iroquois Cres.W, LETHBRIDGE, Alberta T1K 5J4 Canada -- elizabeth.cook@lethsd.ab.ca, Home, rmcb@home.com
Cook, Kay Director -- kaycook@earthlink.net. www.handbellexploration.com. phone 888-553-9756 -- Kay formed her first handbell choirs in 1976 at First Christian Church in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1981, Kay became the director of handbells at Chaparral Christian Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. In 1982, she organized the Scottsdale Handbell Ensemble. By 1985, Kay had developed choirs at a number of area churches. All choirs attended AGEHR state and area festivals. That same year, 1985, Kay created Handbell Exploration, a seminar for directors and ringers. Kay’s passion has been the personal and artistic development of young people through performing and touring experiences. This opportunity prompted Kay to move into the performing arts arena in 1990 with the creation of DESERT BELLS and its premier touring group, BRONZEWORKS. Her groups have performed with the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra for 15 years. BRONZEWORKS ringers have toured the world and attended symposia in Australia and Japan. Kay participated in the development of the first master’s degree program for handbells held in 1999 at Concordia’s Summer Music Program in Mequon, Wisconsin.
Coolen, J.-C. -- jccoolen@hotmail.com -- J.-C. is an active participant and leader in the handbell community of the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. He directs three handbell choirs: The Bronze Foundation (www.bronzefoundation.ca), Greater Toronto's auditioned community handbell choir; Bells of Bowmanville at the Bowmanville (ON) Adventist Church (www.bowmanvilleadventist.ca); and the Manor Road United Church Handbell Choir in Toronto (www.manorroadunitedchurch.com). He frequently leads a variety of handbell workshops for ringers and choirs, and teaches individual handbell lessons. He is the Membership Secretary for the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers (www.ogehr.ca), as well as Ontario District Coordinator for AGEHR Area II. In addition to his handbell involvements, J.-C. is Music Director at Manor Road United Church (Toronto ON), directs Durham Community Choir (Oshawa ON), and is a free-lance accompanist.
Coughenour, Carol -- 27439 Jarrod Blvd. Harvest AL 35749-7466 -- (205) 233-7999 -- 1992-96 National Music Chairman, Conductor
Coulter, J. Richard, (Dick) 15860 Poppy Lane, #9 Los Gatos, CA, 95030 - (408) 395-0909 frandick@juno.com -- Dick's involvement with handbells began in 1960 at Trinity Methodist Church, Newport News, VA. He says he was privileged to attend the first national conference in St. Louis and later, to be on the faculty of the first Directors Seminar--also in St. Louis. I formed the St. John's Ringers, a high school group from St. John's Presbyterian Church, Berkeley, CA, that made three European tours, several national tours, and one to Hawaii. The only person to be Chairman of two areas of AGEHR, Inc. without moving. I was Chairman of Area IX which later became Area XII. I have conducted massed choirs throughout the United States and as President of AGEHR, Inc., I was proud to be responsible for founding the first national children's festival/conferences. It was during my tenure that the concept of a curriculum for directors was set in place. I was the founding director for the Bells Of The Cascades, a community choir in Portland, OR, known for its success with sponsoring handbell cruises. I also served St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, OR as Organist/Choirmaster which had three handbell choirs as well as an adult singing choir which made two tours of the United States and one to England. Although officially retired, I am the Organist/Choirmaster at St. Luke's Episcopal of Los Gatos, CA. President of AGEHR, Inc.1989-91, Conductor, Clinician
Couper, Alinda B. -- Reported to have "invented" 4-in-hands, Composer, Arranger
Cowan, Marlow & Frances, 340 N.W. 72nd St. Place, Ankeny, IA -- Marlow and Frances Cowan have been involved in handbells since 1953. In 1954, the Cowans founded the "Y.M.C.A. Boys Chorus and Bell Ringers" and "Choral Belles" girls choir, of Des Moines, IA, which they directed for 27. The choirs, which boasted 50+ members in each group, toured the U.S. and abroad regularly, singing and ringing. Through the years, over 500 children treated audiences, ringing handbells, as well as some highly unusual, novelty instruments such Deagan shaker chimes, Deagan cricket bells, saucer, piccolo, and cow bells. CBR Handbell Repair, their refurbishing business, has been transforming old bells into new for over 40 years. About 1500 bells pass through their shop every year. They have restored handbells from 13 different foundries including: Bells of David, William Dunn, Golden Bells, Jenco, Malmark, Mayland, Petit & Fritsen, Schulmerich, Shaw, H.R. Street, Taylor, Tru-Sonic, and Whitchapel. Although retired from the Y.M.C.A. Chorus, the Cowans still actively promote the art of ringing by helping churches and community groups to start handbell choirs. They provide "loaner sets" for those waiting for their new bells to arrive, and give workshops on ringing, organizing and directing bell choirs. They direct the youth and adult bell choirs at their church, and the two do 8-10 solo/duet performances per year on handbells and their other novelty instruments.
CREATIVE OPTIONS - Jackson, MI - Director, Margie Brookshear -
CRC RIVERBELLS, THE - Sacramento, CA - Director, Paul W. Allen - Contact, Susan Coddington-Allen - sueca@ucfinc.com -
If you have comments or suggestions, e-mail me at