Alberta Guild of English
Handbell Ringers
American Guild of English Handbell Ringers,
British Columbia Guild of English Handbell Ringers
Handbell Guilds of Canada
Handbell Ringers of Great
Handbell Ringers of Japan
Handbell Society of Australasia
Korean Handbell Association
Manitoba Guild of English
Handbell Ringers
Ontario Guild of English
Handbell Ringers
Saskatchewan Guild
of English Handbell Ringers
Feeling the need to band together for fellowship, sharing information, and ringing handbells for each other, the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc. was begun in 1954, and since that time national organizations have been constituted in other countries. The following is general information about the International Handbell Guilds.
Handbell Ringers of Japan (HRJ)-- Organized 1976.
President: Akiro Ito, Arusu Otowa II-214, 1-22-18, Otowa, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo JAPAN Tel: +81 3 5369-1760 Fax: +81 3-5395-1739
Executive Secretary: Mrs. Sun-Joo Shin, Arusu Otowa II-214, 1-22-18, Otowa, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo JAPAN Tel: +81 3 5369-1760 Fax: +81 3-5395-1760
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Handbell Ringers of Great Britain (HRGB)-- Founded in 1967Chairman: Alan J. Hartley, 'Ten Trees', 1A Glover Road, Totley Rise, Sheffield
S17 4HN, UK; Tel/Fax 0114 235 0785; e-mail -- Sandra Winter, 87 The Woodfields, Sanderstead, South Croydon,
Surrey CR2 0HJ, UK; Tel/Fax 020 8651 2663. e-mail
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Handbell Guilds of Canada The several Guilds of Canada, while autonomous, seek to cooperate with each other as well as the International Community through the biannual International Handbell Symposium.. Chairmen of Canadian Guilds: Loraine Lowewen, 37188 Dawson Road, Abbotsford, B.C. V3G 2K9 Tel 604 852 9386. Past President & : Lorraine Loewen,
.Return to Top of Page Alberta Guild of English Handbell Ringers -- Organized in 1983
Chairman: Lucy Graham --
.Return to Top of Page . British Columbia Guild of English Handbell Ringers (BCGEHR)-- began in 1993.
President: Nikki Attwell Ê<>
Manitoba Guild of English Handbell Ringers (MBEGHR) -- 1995,
E-mail: M. MorrowPast President: Tracy Wright, 39 Sunset Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 0X3, Tel 204 233 8723 E-mail
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Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers (OGEHR) -- June, 1985
President: Debbie Lloyd, 292 Olympus Avenue, Kingston, Ontario K7M 4T9 Phone (613) 389-4675
e-mail: President: Valerie Wood, 4564 Lake Road, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec, H9G 1G8 Tel 514 620 3569
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Saskatchewan Guild of English Handbell Ringers (SGEHR) -- 1986President: TBA
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The Handbell Society of Australasia (HSA) -- The first handbell festival was held in 1981, in South Australia. At the third festival in Sydney in 1983, the Handbell Society of Australasia was formed.
The first International Handbell Symposium in the southern hemisphere was held in Adelaide, Australia in July of 1994.
President: Carmel Daveson - PO Box 5555, Mail Centre, Mackay, Queensland, Australia 4740 Tel: 61 79 534 149"
Treasurer & International Liaison: Philip Bedford, PO Box 50, Charleston, S. Australia 5244 Tel: 61 8389 4211-- Email:
Return to Top of Page Korean Handbell Association (KHA) -- 1985
President: Mrs. Sharon Jung Hee Han
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