Frequently Asked Questions
SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR HANDCHIMES This treatise on the Special Effects for Handchimes has been prepared by Dr. Paul E. Rosene, Professor Emeritus, Illinois State University, presently Handbell and Handchime Specialist living in Florida.
Dr. Rosene has pioneered in the use of Handchimes in Education and is a recognized authority in this field. We appreciate his willingness to share this expertise on this FAQ page. As a courtesy to Dr. Rosene, the material is copyrighted and any use of this material in other printed texts should first be cleared by him, according to law. Ed.
NEW: This material is now available as a resource book from AGEHR, Inc. You may order it from or at 1-800-878-5459.
Dr. Paul E. Rosene (Professor Emeritus Illinois State University) has more than fifty years experience as a Handbell Director and teacher of Directors/Ringers. Long an advocate of Handchimes, he introduced Choirchime* as an integral part of the Illinois State University Handbell/Choirchime* Ensembles in 1979. Agape Press, Carol Stream, IL Stream, publishes his two Handchime method books, “Making Music With Choirchime Instruments and Making Music With Choirchime* Instruments, Advanced Method”. Now retired, he and his wife devote their energies and time to assisting churches and schools with their Handbell and Handchimes programs. He welcomes inquiry. A reader with a question may contact him directly:
Dr. Paul E. Rosene
Handbell/Choirchimes* Consultant
Music Education - School Bands/Orchestras
822 Pinar Drive
Orlando, FL 32825-7822
Phone: 407/803-7861* "Choirchimes" is a registered trademark.
If you have questions you feel should be included in this FAQ, contact . It will be helpful if you will state the question similar to those above, and if possible, give a short, definitive statement to answer the question. The editor will review your question and answer, consider whether to include the question, and amend as deemed necessary.
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